Are you eating pure honey? Do these 5 tests yourself to know, you will be able to identify real or fake honey at home.

Are you eating pure honey? Do these 5 tests yourself to know, you will be able to identify real or fake honey at home.

Honey purity test at home: People consume and use honey a lot. One is a natural sweetener, which contains many types of nutrients. Contains calories, carbs, copper, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B etc. Besides, it also has anti-oxidant properties, which boosts immunity. Honey is healthy for the heart. Antibacterial, antiseptic properties help in quick healing of injuries and wounds. It keeps cholesterol level under control. Reduce swelling. Make skin soft. Honey has been used for years to keep the skin healthy. Bones will remain strong in cold, seasonal diseases will be protected. Many times people bring honey from the market, but are unable to identify whether the honey is real or fake. Consuming fake honey (Shahad) can spoil your health. If you have bought loose honey from the market then you can check its purity at home in this way.

How to check the purity of honey

1. Water Test: According to Ayurvedic practitioner Dr. Dimple Jangra, if you like eating honey then it is important to identify its purity. Many things are sold adulterated in the market. You will not be able to understand whether the honey you have brought is pure or impure. To check this, do a purity test at home. To know whether honey is pure or not, test it in water. For this take one spoon honey. Put it in a glass of water and mix quickly. If honey dissolves then it is impure and if it does not dissolve in water then your honey is pure.

2. Paper Towel Test: You put a drop of honey on a paper towel. If it leaves a stain then it is impure. This can happen due to moisture in honey. Honey: If there is no stain on the paper towel then the honey is completely pure and pure.

3. Flame Test: For this, dip a tissue in honey and set it on fire. If this tissue burns then the honey is pure. This is because honey is flammable. If fire does not occur then understand that the honey you are eating is fake. There is adulteration in it.

4. Heat Test: Check the honey by heating it. If it caramelizes and starts emitting better aroma then it is pure and if foam starts coming out of the honey then understand that it is impure and adulterated. Don’t eat it at all.

5. Vinegar Test: For this, add one teaspoon honey to one teaspoon vinegar and mix it. If there is a reaction like bubbles or a tingling sensation in the honey, then it is impure and fake. If nothing like this happens then the honey is completely pure and genuine. You can consume it.

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Tags: eat healthy, Home Remedies, Tips and Tricks

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